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S, T, U Parameter and Form Factor with d=6 Dimension Operator Non-Decoupling Effects of Heavy Particles in the Triple Gauge Boson (TGB) Vertices

Author : Dr. Ram Swaroop Sahu

Abstract :

As our concern lies exploring models involving physics beyond Standard model, we will discuss non-decoupling effects of the type (ii). These are expected to provide some useful constraints on the properties of new physics which might lie beyond the standard model. As far as light fermions processes are concerned, we only have to deal with non-decoupling contributions to the gauge boson two point functions the so called oblique corrections. The non-decoupling contribution of heavy particles is present in higher n-point functions of gauge boson. We have solved separately. This can be visualize oblique correction and vertex correction in the form factor for the e+ e- collider to find out their concern through d=6 operator.

Keywords :

Decoupling effects, S, T, U parameters, TGB vertices contributions.