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New Education Policy 2020 and its Impact on Common People

Author : Dr. SR Thorwat

Abstract :

The country needs an innovative and well-organized education policy at school and college level. Because education leads to socio-economic development. But the current NEP 2020 policy has many flaws. Both teachers and students have to suffer in this. The present policy focuses on the marks achieved by the student but not on the knowledge. Due to improper training and lack of knowledge many of us and the entire country face unemployment. According to a recent survey, the unemployment rate from 1999 to 2019 was in the range of 5 to 6 which reached an all-time peak of 23.5% in April 2020. (According to IBF research). There will always be a mismatch between the knowledge, skills and jobs available in this policy. This is one of the major challenges affecting the Indian education system after independence. NEP 2020 fails to check this, as it is silent on education related to emerging technology fields like artificial intelligence, cyberspace, nanotech etc.
National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 is a comprehensive policy. Which outlines a vision for the future of education in India. This strategy has many advantages and disadvantages. Which can be discussed as follows. Benefits include holistic development, flexible curriculum, multidisciplinary education, emphasis on technology and universalization of education. Disadvantages include implementation challenges, language issues, funding issues, standardization and disparities in education.
NEP 2020 emphasizes on holistic development of students, which includes cognitive, social, emotional and physical development. The policy provides a flexible curriculum that allows students to choose subjects according to their interests and tastes. The policy encourages multi-disciplinary education, which means students can complete courses in a variety of disciplines and fields. NEP 2020 recognizes the importance of technology in education. The use of technology in teaching and learning is advocated. The policy aims to ensure universal access to quality education at all levels from pre-school to higher education.

Keywords :

Many-loopholes, multi-stream, skill-based, jobs-mismatch, disparity in resources-effective implementation