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Identifying the Possibility of Food Grade Pigments from Halophytic Bacteria Isolated from Marine Salterns

Author : Abbiramakiruthi DK and Dr. N Hemashenpagam

Abstract :

Microbial pigments have gained significant attention due to their diverse applications in various industries, including food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and textiles. However, the conventional methods used for the biosynthesis of these pigments often rely on nutrient-rich media, which can be expensive and hinder large-scale production. To address this challenge, there is a necessity to develop high throughput and cost-effective approaches for the large-scale production of microbial pigments. This article explores the analysis of the bio pigment production and to assess its bioactive potential of the halophytic bacteria which is isolated from marine salterns by using solvent extraction and purification methods Pseudomonas aeroginosa, a halophytic bacteria. Is used as a sample to extract the pigments such as pyocyanin and pyorubrin which was collected from Kovalam salterns, Chennai. The antagonistic effect and hemolytic activity of the pigment have also been carried out. Compared to synthetic pigments, microbial pigments shows better biodegradability and higher compatibility with the environment, and have numerous applications from food to cosmetics.

Keywords :

Microbial pigments, pyorubrin, pyocyanin, halophytic bacteria