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Digital Library Information Management Research in India: Challenges and Opportunities

Author : Nivedita Rathore and Dr. Dharamveer

Abstract :

This paper examines research on digital library information management in India and focuses on the challenges and opportunities associated with creating, organizing, and maintaining digital libraries to facilitate access to information resources.  Digital library information management in India highlights the complex challenges that need to be addressed, such as the digital divide and content digitization. At the same time, there are significant opportunities to harness technology and collaboration to create inclusive, accessible, and valuable digital library resources that contribute to education, research, and cultural preservation. The paper explores the challenges and opportunities in the DLIM field in India. It looks at several issues including the need for improved education and training, the need for dedicated bodies and collaborative efforts, the importance of public-private partnerships, and the need to provide better software solutions to tackle the challenges. The digital era presents both challenges and opportunities for managing multimedia resources in digital libraries. Librarians are pivotal in mitigating challenges and harnessing opportunities through their expertise in curation, metadata, rights management, preservation, and user support. Adapting to the digital landscape requires continuous learning and skill development, empowering librarians to provide valuable services in the realm of digital library management. The paper offers suggestions to address some of these issues and to spur future research and development in the area. It concludes by highlighting the fact that India stands to gain both economically and socially by investing in DLIM research and development.

Keywords :

Digital library, information management, research, India, challenges, opportunities