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Concept of Beej Dosh W.S.R. to Genetic Abnormalities

Author : Dr. Ashwarya Vijayvargiya, Dr. Rita Marwaha, Dr. Nisha Bhalerao and Dr. Neha Mishra

Abstract :

Ayurvedic literature includes descriptions on genetics. Congenital and inherited disorders like sthaulya, klaibya, and prameha, among others, have been categorized by Sushruta as having a defective genetic component. Ayurveda also emphasized that variations in the hereditary component can contribute to variations in prakriti. As a result, inherited factors are crucial to an individual's health and wellbeing, according to ayurveda. Ayurveda uses the phrases beeja (chromosome), beejabhaga (genes), and beejabhagavayava (fraction of part of chromosome) to explain sperm and ovum abnormalities. Hereditary disorders are believed to be caused by the beeja, beejabhaga, and beejabhagavayava in addition to other variables. It is thought that Bheejabhagavayava is the subtle stage of Bheejabhaga, which carries inherited characteristics.
Further, there are 6 factors which take part during the formation of embryos and various body parts. The soft structures of the body like heart, intestine, rectum, muscles, bone marrow, etc. are formed from Matrija Bhava; the hard structures like nails, veins, bones, beard, sperm, etc. are formed from Pitrija Bhava. Thus, Ayurveda lays a deep context regarding the genetics in human beings. The basics of the genomics in modern medicine are the same as explained in Ayurveda.

Keywords :

Beejabhaga, Beejabhagavayava, genetics, hereditary, genomics, matrij bhav