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Challenges for Women Police at Work Place

Author : Dr. Shailendra Gehlot

Abstract :

In ancient orthodox society there was a belief that woman has no place in the Police force. It was a common belief that a woman's characteristic and personality could not be in description of a brave Police Officer. Appointment of women 'Angarakshaks' and spies is described in Chanakya’s ‘Arthasastra’. Mention of lady officers named 'Atharvaniska' was found in Harems where many Indian Monarchs were murdered. Women were also employed for Police job during World War II in many European countries. Women Police played a major role in dealing with child abuse in Britain during early 19s. Women Police introduced in modern India during 1930s. Kerala and Maharashtra were first state to recruit Women Police. After a century since the first female officers entered in Police force. This is also a fact that the Police force is also represented by women is no longer an exception, but a rule. Bartlette and Rosenblum (1977) conducted a study in which 27 Policemen and 27 Policewomen matched for length of service were compared on 56 performance variables. There were no differences in the number or quality of arrests, efficiency ratings, and injuries, disciplinary charges, handling of tension or violence or the attitudes of citizens.

Keywords :

Workplace, field duty, harassment