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An Overview about-The Chandrayaan-3 its Cultural Triumph but Amid New Space Race its Tensions on Earth Delay Governance Reforms a Comparative Study

Author : Dr. Ram Swaroop Sahu

Abstract :

We are study the present achievement of the ISRO of India. Our Chandrayaan-3’s success has filled 140 crore hearts with pride. There have been celebrations in every part of India. Overseas Indian friends and their relatives have also been filled with joy. Reality, on August 23, 2023 (National Space Day) humanity came together to fete Chandrayaan-3 as one family. Placing spacecraft softly on the surface of the Moon, near its south polar region, is a very big accomplishment. Being the first to do so makes it ever bigger. To everyone who watched history being created, ISRO has come to personify excellence and diligence. Our scientists are simply the best, having been blessed with the utmost innovativeness and professionalism. The mission’s long journey has also been true leadership from PM Sh N. Modi. While at ISRO this time, Sh. Modi announced that the point where the Moon lander of Chandrayaan-3 touched down will now be Shiv Shakti, and the point where Chandrayaan-3 left its footprint will now be called Tiranga. As for celebrating August 23 as National Space Day, it will ignite an appreciation of science in young minds, which in turn will go a long way towards our future in space, exploring the unexplored, on the Moon and beyond.

Keywords :

Chandrayaan-3, Sh. N. Modi, Shiv Shakti, Tiranga & ISRO