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An Analytical Study of NEP-2020 in Higher Education and Implementing Challenges of FYUGP in Assam

Author : Dr. Biman Arandhara

Abstract :

Change is the endless and natural rule of the universe. No society is untouched by the process of change. Indian society is also no exception to this. It is known from the historical study of Indian society that many social, economic, political, educational and other changes have also taken place from the primitive to the present period. After a long period of Indian educational history, Government of India is going to change our education system through the implement of National Education Policy 2020. This policy is the first education policy of the 21st century and aims making “India a global knowledge superpower”. This Policy proposes the revision and revamping of all aspects of the education structure, including its regulation and governance, to create a new system building upon India’s traditions and value systems. The current paper describes the analysis of the NEP 2020 on Higher Education level and implementing challenges of FYUGP in Assam. Recommendations are made for the implementation of FYUGP in Assam. Investigator use descriptive as well as analytical approach for the study. This study is focused on secondary data sources. The secondary data has been collected from NEP 2020 published by Government of India, and various research paper, news articles etc.

Keywords :

National education policy, higher education and FYUGP