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A Study to Assess the Knowledge and Attitude towards Impact of Obesity among Adolescent Students in MTPR & RIHS, Puducherry

Author : S Sivasankari Bon, Dr. T Nanthini and S Chitra

Abstract :

A descriptive study to assess the level of knowledge and attitude towards impact of obesity among adolescent students in MTPG & RIHS, Puducherry. The study was conducted among 50 adolescents and they were selected in by using Simple random sampling technique. The Semi Structured Questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge and attitude among adolescent regarding obesity. The socio demographic data includes gender, age, department, BMI, diet, physical activity. Regarding knowledge, the study revealed that a significant proportion of the adolescents demonstrated a moderate level of knowledge towards the impact of obesity. Approximately 64% of the participants had moderately adequate knowledge, 34% had adequate knowledge, and a negligible 2% had inadequate knowledge. On the other hand, the attitudes of the adolescents towards the impact of obesity were overwhelmingly positive. A striking 98% of the participants had moderately favourable attitudes, while only 2% held unfavourable attitudes and also revealed that there was no significant association between level of knowledge and attitude towards impacts of obesity among adolescents. In conclusion, this study contributes valuable insights into the knowledge and attitudes of adolescents towards the impact of obesity. By utilizing this knowledge to design tailored health education strategies, policymakers and healthcare providers can take a proactive approach towards addressing the obesity epidemic and promoting better health outcomes among the younger generation. Empowering adolescents with accurate knowledge and fostering positive attitudes can ultimately lead to healthier lifestyle choices and a reduced burden of obesity-related health issues in the future.

Keywords :

Obesity, adolescent students, MTPR & RIHS