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A Case Study on Performance Management and Role of Faculty Development in Higher Education

Author : Rajani Bhandary and Neethu Suraj

Abstract :

Purpose: The aim of this topic is to explore the role of performance management in faculty development. Performance management is an essential process that enables faculty members to identify their strengths and weaknesses, receive feedback on their performance and develop plans for improvement by providing faculty members with the tools and support they need. The successful implementation of performance management may assist academic staff in achieving their objectives, developing their teaching and research abilities and enhancing the institution's overall performance
Design: The detailed analysis of the purpose of performance management in faculty developments discussed in this paper. Additionally, this paper informs us about the benefits, obstacles, areas for improvement and future potential.
Finding: The case study's findings provide important new information about how performance management might help faculty members improve and develop. These results can serve as a reference for developing policies, procedures and training programmes that support a culture of continuous improvement and support faculty members' professional development.
Originality value: Exploring the relationship between performance management and faculty development in higher education yields substantial effects on teaching excellence, faculty motivation, institutional efficacy and student learning achievements. The research paper offers practical recommendations for successfully implementing performance management systems, cultivating a culture of ongoing improvement and bolstering overall institutional success within the realm of higher education.

Keywords :

Performance management, faculty development, higher education, faculty motivation, SWOC analysis