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The Role of Technical and Craft Institutes in Supporting and Strengthening Human Resources

Author : Dr. Ghazal Shafik Safia and Dr. Bassel Anwar Asaad

Abstract :

The current study aimed to demonstrate the role of technical and craft institutes in developing human resources from the point of view of administrative leaders in these institutes, and to identify the extent to which there are differences in the responses of administrative leaders in these institutes due to the variables (sex, job title, college) about the role of technical and craft institutes in developing, supporting and developing human resources. The descriptive analytical method was used in the study. The study reached a set of results, the most important of which are the following: There are significant differences at the level of significance (0.05) between the role of higher education institutions in supporting and developing human resources that exist and should be present in the institutes. The study sample is concerned with the role of technical and craft institutes in qualifying students for the labour market in the first stage, and then the role of institutes in providing educational and training opportunities and acquiring sustainable professional experiences for students in the second place, and finally the role of institutes in developing students' knowledge, skills and abilities. The development of creativity and innovation skills is medium in technical and craft institutes. It is known that the market needs applied technical knowledge and expertise, despite the interest is still lower than what the market and students need in order to keep pace with the rapid changes related to practical and technical aspects.

Keywords :

Human resources, higher education, development, training, skills