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Review of Ayurvedic Literatures over Etiology and Symptomatology of Pittajaa Grahani W.S.R to IBS-D

Author : Aniruddha Prasad, Anupam Biswas, Dhiman Mazumder and PB Kar Mahapatra

Abstract :

Now a days lacking in diagnosis of disease is a great problem towards accuracy in management of the ailment. Diagnosis based on proper observation and analysis over the incidence but unfortunately darshan (inspection), sparshan (palpation/percussion), prashna (interrogation) becoming very neglected to the physicians during the diagnosis. Ayurveda has gone through several diagnostic measures like dashvidha pariksha (10 fold examination), asthavidha priksha (8 fold examination), shadanga pariksha (6 fold examination) etc. To maintain the accuracy of diagnosis of Grahani roga which is more or less similar to the ailment IBS of modern allopathic medicine is becoming a hazardous problem in relation to public health and personal health all over the globe. The varieties of grahani roga have been mentioned by our ancestors in a classical manner where types of discomfort associated symptoms and pathogenic pathway have been categorically explained. Pittaja grahani is a type of alimentary rather diarrheal diseases which is carrying a lot of symptomatic similarities with other disease and needs to be differentiated from them. In present article those signs symptoms have been collected, etiology have been assessed, samprapti or pathogenic pathways have been analyzed to justify the claim of ancestors regarding diagnosis. As proper diagnosis is mandatory for real treatment so the aims and objectives of present work to categorize those lakshan vimarsha (symptomatic dilemma) in a methodical manner towards proper diagnosis of Pittajaa grahani through a view of differencial diagnosis and establish (IBS-D) from other concomitant problems.

Keywords :

Grahani, pittaja grahani, grahaniroga, agni, IBS-D