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Political Socialization in Society

Author : Sunanda Munji

Abstract :

‘Political socialization’ is the term used to describe the process whereby the individual learns about and develops orientations to politics. The agents of Political socialization are numerous-the family and school attracted much of the scholarly research, but a political institution such as a political party, history, outstanding political experiences, occupation and the educative efforts of the regime are some other agents. The process of Political socialization takes place through several agencies like family exercises both latent and manifest influence on the child, school exercises profound influence on the process of Political socialization. Socialization is a process by which an individual gets inducted into the society with all its diversities. Every society has its own set of values and a unique, separate identity. The individual has to get assimilated into the system so that one can be a part of the system, sometimes being moulded and at other times, changing the system. Socialization is a continuous process in the life of an individual. Change is inevitable in every society as also in the political system. The challenge of every political system is how to imbibe these changes into its individuals while maintaining consistency and continuity. The process of political socialization is a part of general socialization.

Keywords :

Political socialization, participation, political behaviour, political culture, political