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Moringa Oleifera-A Treasure Box of Nutrients and Medicinal Elements

Author : Tufan Bhaskar Awatale

Abstract :

For centuries Moringa Oliefera is widely used for its health benefits. Its record is found in medicinal texts from over 5000 years ago. In Ayurvedic medicine, it is referred to as digestive (Pachana Karma) and purgative (Virechan Karma). Its reference is found in Charak Samhita and Sushruta Samhita, two ancient books written in BC. When compared to all other mostly acknowledged nutritious and medicinal plants Moringa Oliefera surpass them all in its composition of protein, vitamins, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, amino acids, dietary fiber, etc. Most of the scholars turned their attention to the study of Moringa Oliefera. In their study, they demonstrated the presence of valuable and essential phytochemicals through phytochemical analysis of Moringa Oliefera. But still, the majority of the population is unaware of numerous pharmacological applications of various parts of Moringa Oliefera. The present paper will try to focus on the benefits of the chemical composition, nutritional values, and medicinal properties of the Moringa Oliefera plant. Many studies related to Moringa Oliefera proved the effect of Moringa Oliefera as an anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, and anti-carcinogenic agent.
The present paper will also deal with methods of plantation, propagation, and its requirement of soil, water, temperature, and its various stages of development from seed to flowering and fruiting the Moringa Oliefera plant. Every part of this plant is useful, in this paper special reference will be given to the health benefits of the leaves, flowers, and seeds of Moringa Oliefera.

Keywords :

Moringa oliefera, nutrients, protein, vitamins, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory