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Measurement of Poverty-Multidimensional Poverty Index

Author : Dr. Venkatesham Akula

Abstract :

Poverty is powerlessness, lack of representation and freedom. Poverty is hunger. Poverty is lack of shelter and money. Poverty is being sick and not being able to see a doctor. Poverty is not having access to school and not knowing how to read. Poverty is not having a job, is fear for the future, living one day at a time. Poverty is losing a child to illness brought about by unclean water. The traditional definition of poverty updated over time; the world’s understanding of extreme poverty has also emerged. Multidimensional Poverty Measures can be used to create a more comprehensive picture. These measures reveal who is poor and how they are poor-the range of different disadvantages they experience. The Global Multidimensional Poverty Index (GMPI) is released by OPHI in association with UNDP and its national counterpart National MPI (NMPI) is prepared and released by NITI Ayog in India, based on the National Family Health Survey.

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