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Local Governance and the Pandemic: A Critical Analysis of the Role of Village Panchayats in India

Author : Shani Jaiswal and Ashutosh Jaiswal

Abstract :

After the outbreak of COVID-19 in India, the government of India at every level promoted several measures to tackle the pandemic situation in the country. The prime minister realized the importance of local governance at the grassroots level and directed them to take measures as required at the local level. Throughout the pandemic, an enormous number of delegates functioned as a massive force at the lowest level of government. It is worth mentioning that thousands of village panchayats have committed to working carefully to prevent the spread of coronavirus inside their panchayats and to meet their villagers' food and medical needs. The panchayats played a significant role in tracing who had returned to the village and whom they had contacted, which was made possible by the help of panchayats. During the COVID-19 pandemic, local governments gathered data. They provided it to state agencies to formulate measures to combat the spread of the COVID-19 virus in provincial areas of their districts. Panchayats also played a critical role in agricultural activities during the COVID-19 crisis, assuring labor supply and establishing a food supply chain in villages. During the pandemic, many panchayats launched WhatsApp groups and used other digital tools, such as Google spreadsheets, to raise awareness and provide essential services. COVID-19 has ushered in a renewed focus on health, sanitization, and abundant employment opportunities in rural India. Additionally, the union government has authorized panchayats to use the 14th Finance Commission Fund to implement COVID-19 emergency measures. This research article discusses the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the role of village panchayats in tackling the pandemic.

Keywords :

Covid-19, pandemic, village panchayats, local governance