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A Study to Assess the Knowledge of Home Care Management of Permanent Pacemaker Implanted Patients in Army Hospital (R&R)

Author : Sridevi C

Abstract :

This study aims to examine the level of knowledge of patients regarding home care management after permanent pacemaker implantation in Army hospital (R&R).Delhi. Descriptive survey approach with non-experimental descriptive design was used to assess the knowledge of 40 patients with permanent pacemakers implantation in Army hospital (R&R).The sampling technique used was non probability purposive sampling. Structured knowledge Questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge of home care which consisted of 20 items. The results reveal that 62.5% of the samples had inadequate knowledge, 25% of the patients had moderate knowledge and 12.5% of the samples had adequate knowledge regarding home care management after permanent pacemaker implantation. The mean score for level of knowledge was 9.13, SD = 3.406, range from 3-18 and mean score percentage was 45.6.There was significant association found between level of knowledge and selected socio demographic variable-Marital status.

Keywords :

Knowledge, home care management, permanent pace maker