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A Review on Classical Ayurvedic Preparation “Panchamrita Parpati”

Author : Ananya Saha, Aniruddha Prasad, Dhiman Mazumdar and PB Kar Mahapatra

Abstract :

Ayurveda the ancient most medical science has dealt with several herbomineral formulations which are found very much effective in the management of chronic ailments. Panchamrit Parpati is such a herbomineral compound is being used by the ayurvedic physician from medieval period to till date in the management of several chronic diseases. Panchamrit Parpati is a very popular medicine in ayurveda and as per his name concern it contains five important minerals which are use to make this formulation by a specific process called ‘parpati’ preparation. The ancient ayurvedic literatures of the different period have been vividly reviewed to collect the information regarding preparation, properties, mode of action, dose and therapeutic indication of the drug and that information have been submitted here in this article with a methodical manner to establish the claim of our classics. The drug has beneficial curative and preventive effect on the problems like atisara (diarrhoea), grahani (irritable bowel disease), arsha (haemorrhoids), swash (breathing difficulty) etc. The unique preparatory process of the drug causes enhancement of potency of the ill gut through maintenance of jatharagni & dhatwagni.

Keywords :

Panchamrita parpati, kostha, kosthagni, pachakagni