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A General Physiographic Study of District Azamgarh

Author : Dr. Shweta Srivastava and Dr. Vivek Kumar Singh

Abstract :

This research paper presents a comprehensive physiographic study of District Azamgarh, situated in the eastern part of Uttar Pradesh, India. The study aims to investigate and analyze the diverse physical features that shape the landscape of this region. Through a combination of field surveys, cartographic analysis, and toposheets analysis (No. 63N, J, K and O), we explore the geological, geomorphological, hydrological, and climatic aspects that contribute to the district's unique physiographic characteristics.
The geological investigation provides insights into the underlying rock formations, their age, and structural patterns, shedding light on the geological history of the area. A particular emphasis is placed on the impact of various geomorphic processes like erosion, weathering, and tectonic activities on the landforms.
The hydrological assessment involves the study of rivers, streams, and drainage patterns, as well as the identification of water bodies and their significance for the region's water resources. Moreover, the research investigates the district's climate, including temperature patterns, precipitation levels, and seasonal variations, to understand the climatic factors influencing the physiographic diversity.
The study's findings reveal a diverse physiographic landscape in District Azamgarh, ranging from the elevated terrain in the northern and eastern parts to the flatter plains in the south. The district is dissected by several rivers and their tributaries, shaping intricate drainage networks that play a vital role in water resource management. Moreover, the geological formations and geomorphic processes have left a profound imprint on the landforms, contributing to the region's unique natural beauty.
This research serves as a valuable reference for understanding the physiographic complexities of District Azamgarh. The insights provided are crucial for sustainable development, disaster management, and environmental conservation efforts in the region. Furthermore, the study contributes to the broader field of geography by adding to the knowledge of physiographic processes and patterns in a specific geographic context. Actually, this type of datasets enable the development of environmental simulation models, which are valuable tools for scientifically assessing environmental issues and the impact of human activities on environmental quality.

Keywords :

Physiographic study, geology, drainage pattern, topography geographical