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Non-Violating Unitarity Constraints in Extra Z’ Heavy Particle Effect at Tesla Collider (CERN) CM Energy More than 500 GeV

Author : Dr. Ram Swaroop Sahu

Abstract :

We have done calculation for the unitarity delay. We have also wants to include very heavy particle which has been showed violating of unitarity as well as unitarity delay. We found that Fӧster limit has been explained and stopped the violation of unitarity and continue with the unitarity delay. It means that CM energies have very high energy more 3000 GeV the unitarity delay breakdown. Fӧster limit provides us that unitarity constraints obeys the law of unitarity delay. Our pervious calculation of S, T & U parameters results are very strong parameters for the physics beyond the SM. The radiative corrections of W+ & W- gauge boson through vertex of  WW,  WW and  WW vertices we found the results are favour S, T and U parameters results. This calculation completes our research work to the cross- section and vertex corrections. We study the cross section that is non-delayed Unitarity violation. Can it stop violation? If we include heavy exotic lepton doublet L=   in the vertex diagram also.

Keywords :

Fӧster limit, vertex, vertices, unitarity, delay unitarity