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Effect of Panchatikta Sheer Basti, Katibasti with Panchatikta Ghrita Guggul in Katigraha W.S.R Lumbar Disc Degeneration-A Case Study

Author : Dr. Sonika Solanki and Dr. Kamini Soni

Abstract :

Katigraha (low back pain) is described as the most common joint disorders. In the present era, lower back ache is most common problem of all age groups. It can be compared with the disease katigraha as mentioned in ayurveda. vata and kapha are the two main factors involved in the pathogenesis of katigraha. It is a condition in which katipradesh is affected by symptoms of shool (pain) and stambh (stiffness). It is a disorder with many causes, taking place in many groups of the people.
In modern lifestyle due to long sitting hours, unhealthy diet, lack of exercise and stress are the main cause of lower back pain. In ayurveda samanyavata vyadhi nidana for katigraha are intake of dry, cold, deficient and light food, excessive sex and sleeplessness, improper treatments, by excessive fasting, swimming, walking falling from hight etc. Due to all this condition vata is aggravated and leads to varies generalized or localized disorders.

In modern medicine, various treatment option such as steroids injection, radicular infiltration, and surgical methods available but they have their own limitations in ayurveda basti with a substance such as milk, ghee, and tikta dravya is best suitable for the asthi prodoshaja vikara. Hence panchtikta ksheera basti along with kati basti with kottamchukadi tailam and shaman drug panchtikta ghrita guggulu.

Keywords :

Katigraha, asthi pradoshaja vikara, Panchatikta ksheer basti