The Role of Vidangarishta and Maha Marichyadi Taila in the Treatment of Dadru Kushta (Tinea Corporis)-A Case Study
Author : Dr. Upsana Mishra and Dr. Amit Singh
Abstract :
The human body's biggest organ is the skin. It is prone to a number of illnesses because of its size and position outside the body. Most skin illnesses are brought on by bacterial, fungal, and other types of infections. All skin conditions in Ayurveda fall under the umbrella term "Kushta," which is further divided into Mahakushta and Kshudrakushta. Dadru belongs to this group. It is Raktapradoshaja vyadhi, who is dominated by kapha and pitta. Owing to the consistency of these symptoms, Tinea corporis, a fungal illness specifically brought on by unsanitary surroundings, and Dadru can be associated extremely effectively. Shaman Chikitsais recommended in Kushtha. A total 16 screened and complained of circular, reddish blotches all over her abdomen, which had been itching badly for 20 days. For 14 days, all the patients received treatment with Group A-Vidangarishta, Group B-Maha Marichyadi Taila, and Group C-Vidangarishta+ Maha Marichyadi Taila. Significant improvement was shown in the parameters Kandu (itching), Raaga (erythema), Pidika (eruptions), and Utsaana mandala following the end of the therapy (elevated circular skin lesion). By removing exacerbated doshaja, Vidangarishta+ Maha Marichyadi Taila with Kushtaghna, Kandughana, and Krumighna qualities aid to dissolve the Samprapti of the vyadhi. It is clear from this case Report that Ayurvedic remedies work well for treating Dadru kushta.
Keywords :
Kushta, Vidangarishta, maha marichyadi taila, dadru, tinea corporis etc.