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Wound Healing Properties of Honey (Madhu)

Author : Amol Shivajirao Patil and Dr. Shilpa Badhe

Abstract :

Madhu has the qualities of a Vranaropak, as described by the sixty Upakrama of Vrana control in the Sushruta Samhita. According to various effects attributed to Madhu's Madhura (sweet) Rasa, Kashaya (astringent) Uparasa, Ruksha (dry) Guna, Sheeta (cool) Virya, Madhura Vipaka, and Sukshma Marga Anusari (ability to permeate), the three vitiated Doshas, namely Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, are thought to be "pacified" by Madh While Madhura Rasa provides nutrients to the tissue, aiding in the development of granulation tissue, Kashaya Rasa delivers Lekhana (scraping), which promotes desloughing and prepares the area for healing. Madhu has extraordinary healing powers because of its Sodhana (purification), Ropana (healing), and Sandhana (union) activities.

Keywords :

Honey (madhu), nirukti, wound healing