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Role of Social Media Advertisements in Buying Behaviour: A Conceptual Perspective

Author : Sunita Devi

Abstract :

In recent times, social media platforms have emerged as a popular tool for marketing communication. Companies worldwide are leveraging the reach and influence of social media to promote their products and services. Social media advertisements have become a significant part of the promotional mix, with big brands investing a significant amount of resources in social media marketing. The current study aims to investigate the impact of social media advertisements on consumer behavior. The study identifies the key antecedents that influence the buying intention of social media users who encounter such content on various social media platforms. The research explores the role of factors such as the perceived quality of the advertisement, the level of trust and credibility associated with the brand, the level of interactivity offered by the advertisement, and the level of entertainment value provided by the advertisement. The study proposes a conceptual framework that outlines the relationships between the various antecedents and the buying intention of social media users. The research utilizes a quantitative methodology, with data collected from a sample of social media users through an online survey. The findings of the study provide valuable insights into the factors that influence consumer behavior in the context of social media advertisements. The results offer useful implications for marketers, highlighting the importance of creating high-quality and engaging social media advertisements that build trust and credibility with consumers. The study contributes to the literature on social media marketing, providing a theoretical framework for future research in this area.

Keywords :

Social media, purchase intent, in formativeness, interactivity, source credibility, entertainment