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Role of Matra Basti (Sahchar Taila) along with Shamana Drugs in the Management of Katigraha W.S.R. Lumbar Spondylosis-A Case Study

Author : Dr. Veenu Yadav, Dr. Pramod Bana, Dr. Rajesh Meshram and Dr. Vivek Sharma

Abstract :

Lower back pain is very common in daily routine in all age groups recently with changing lifestyle and food habits. Katigraha is one of the vatavyadhi, itself it is one of the seat of vata dosha and the root cause of the disease is aggravated by vata. LS may be correlated with Katigraha in Ayurveda on the basis of clinical features of the disease where Vata dosha with or without Ama Dosha settles in Katipradesh (lumbar region) and cause pain and stiffness.
A patient age of 60 years came with the complaint of pain in lower back region with tingling sensation in left lower limb. Stiffness for 10-15min.Intensity of pain increase on the movement, bending downwards etc. He was diagnosed as Katigraha on the basis of subjective and objective parameters. And treated regimen includes Trayodashang guggulu, Swara yog, Matra basti with Sahchar taila, Katibasti with vatashamak taila along with Adharang abhyanga swedana. Patient got symptomatic relief.

Keywords :

Vata, dosha, katigraha, lumbar, pain