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Relevance of ICT in Teaching-Learning Process

Author : Dr. Dhiraj Yadav

Abstract :

As per the aphoristic statement of Nelson Mendela-“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. It is further illustrated by an ancient eminent Philosopher and Mathematician Aristole-“the roots of education are bitter but the fruit is sweet”. Technical education is first, Technical education is must for every citizen of the globe irrespective of caste or creed or region or race. Mathematics is the mother of all sciences. For long times, Mathematics, to the most, is considered as a complex and difficult, boring subject, thus creating lack of interest in the topics. This creates a challenge for teachers and educators especially in the primary and intermediate levels. Technology is of the utmost importance in teaching and learning mathematics. The key benefit of ICT is that it promotes more cooperation among students, fosters communication and knowledge sharing. It can curtail an exercise devoted to tedious computations and increase student’s focus on more important topics of the subject.
With the advents of rapid progress of ICT and in the era of globalisation, especially in the field of computer which has become part and parcel of every educational institution in one way or the other i.e., digitization of man power, presence or absence of students, digital documentation of result branch, Digital process of control of examination. Digital transaction of financial matters, e-salary, e-attendance, Wi-Fi campus, Surveillance through detective and spy cameras, smart class room, fight against COVID-19, Aarogya-Setu App, Prime minister’ Mann ki Bat programme et al. On the contrary, it is an irony of the situation that leads to complete dependence on digital apparatuses and a slavery to machine life. This reflects the seamy side of the coin.

Keywords :

Technology, teaching and learning, digitization, seamy side, communication, knowledge sharing