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Organizations Perception towards the CSR Activities for the Differently

Author : Nara Nageswara Rao and Dr. G Vidya Sagar Rao

Abstract :

The study focused on organisations' perceptions of CSR initiatives for differently abled people. The study gathered original data from the BHEL Company, which implements CSR activities on an annual basis. For the investigation of proposed objectives, the study used an exploratory research technique. The point of view of organisations on the CSR of people with disabilities was investigated. According to the findings of the survey, employees place a high value on "reasonable accommodation and accessible environment at work place without impediments," which suggests that businesses should create workplaces that are free of such obstacles for people with disabilities (PwDs). CSR efforts are responsible for coordinating the distribution of assistive items, technologies, assistance, and appliances to people with disabilities. According to the findings of the study, the social stigma caused by a lack of encouragement from family and society had the largest loading factor. This suggests that organisations should address the social stigma that is associated with disability. The statement "Advantages are not frequently appreciated" obtained the greatest loading, which indicates that the majority of people with disabilities are oblivious to the fundamental advantages that corporations deliver through CSR operations.

Keywords :

CSR activities, PwDs, organizations perception