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Glorification and Ariel Depiction of Adivasi Life in Geeta Mehta’s Novel “The River Sutra”

Author : Dr. Manoj Shankarrao Madavi

Abstract :

The River Sutra came in 1993 present the contemporary picture of Indian spiritual and cultural scenario. The river ‘Narmada’ is in the centre of all incident, activities and salvation of all characters. Mehta has tried to blend historical time, narrative time, contemporary and mythological time unitedly in the flow of the river, Narmada. A River Sutra is much more than six stories. It tells us the story of life through the myths of river Narmada. It’s all about the Indian cultural mythical values and adivasi pathos. This research article tries to show that the tribal life is romanticised and glorified by the novelist. Issues of displacement, existential and livelihood issues are placed at side and soft depiction of adivasi life has taken place and much overrated which seems unbelievable. Issues of impact of globalization in tribal territories are totally remains in dark shadow in the novel. Adivasi history in India is full of revolt, resistance and fight against the mighty British Imperialism established in India. Man and women were in social movement of protest against all kind of unjust and exploitation but the writer has delineated only romanticization and glorification of adivasi life especially the characters of tribal women who were most victimised in India. This research article tries to examination how the issues of adivasi resistance, existentialism. Identity and dehumanization was put aside and how the lebels of superstition were stick to them which seems utterly inapplicable to the indigenous community who were the biggest opponent of any kind of internal colonization and internal subjugation of the hierarchical mentality prevailing in India.

Keywords :

Postcolonialism, displacement, cosmopolitanism, subversion, culture-clash