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Emerging Dimensions of Human Rights Introductor

Author : Dr. Jagadeesh Bidrakoppa

Abstract :

Throughout the past few decades, the idea of human rights has gained significance on a global scale. Since the publication of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the phrase "human rights" has acquired popularity and grown to play a significant role in discussions of philosophy, society, and politics. Although while there is a growing global concern for the respect and observance of human rights, flagrant violations of accepted international standards persist unabatedly in practically every region of the world. The most fundamental economic, social, and cultural rights, as well as civil and political rights, are denied to countless people around the world who suffer from hunger, disease, and lack of opportunity. These rights are crucial for the full realisation of human dignity and for the achievement of each person's legitimate aspirations. Mankind is exposed to the challenge of human rights violations. The difficulty, the worry, and the problem are all fundamental. Many are forced to reconsider India's commitment and seriousness to these concerns because the majority of the fundamental human rights and fundamental freedoms established in the Indian Constitution have stayed on paper. Human rights sometimes seem like more of a fiction in India due to the huge disparity between rhetoric and reality. The ideal of human rights may tend to be universal, but how people react to the subject of human rights depends on the type of society and the stage of national development that the system of human rights is related to. Human rights advocates must come up with a plan for the future in light of the aforementioned difficulties.

Keywords :

Human rights, law, Indian constitution