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Disaster Preparedness of Three (3) Barangays in University Town, University of Eastern Philippines, Catarman, Northern Samar Philippines

Author : Dr. Jerald C Erivera

Abstract :

This study was designed and conceptualized to investigate the disaster preparedness of three (3) barangays in the University Town, University of Eastern Philippines, Catarman Northern Samar Philippines. Specifically, the study aimed to document the profile of the respondents, measure the level of disaster preparedness of the barangays, find out the problems encountered by the barangays in disaster preparedness and draw recommendations from the respondents for effective disaster preparedness of their barangay.
The researcher utilized descriptive-survey research design and used survey questionnaire to achieve these objectives.
The salient findings of the study are:
As to the profile of the residents, majority of the respondents were 25-29 years old, male, single, college graduates, vendors, had 5,000-9,000 monthly income, residing in the barangays for more than 10 years.
The overall level of preparedness before disaster of the barangays is highly prepared with the weighted mean of 3.65. However, the preparedness during the typhoon is average while the level preparedness after the disaster is high.
Among the problems identified by the residents in the barangays in disaster preparedness are:
1. Lack of fund/budget,
2. No available evacuation center,
3. Slow respond of Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (BDRRMO) during disaster,
4. Uncooperative local officials and
5. Lack of willingness of the residents to talk about disaster planning.

The respondents of the study recommended the following for an effective disaster preparedness:
1. Increase of budget/fund,
2. Provide rescue vehicle,
3. Construction of conducive evacuation center,
4. Availability of relief goods and
5. Additional man-power during rescue.

Keywords :

Disaster, disaster preparedness, barangay disaster risk reduction management office (BDRRMO)