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Conceptual Analysis of the Ayurvedic Perspective on Genetics

Author : Dr. Pooja Tekam, Dr. Rita Marwaha, Dr. Nisha Bhalerao, Dr. Shiba Dutta Panda and Dr. Sapna Anand

Abstract :

Ayurveda has been a science of life for countless years. The Ayurveda Acharyas had a thorough understanding of genetics. Shareer Sthana of Samhita's different chapters beautifully explain the ideas behind Ayurveda genetic theory. Although the study of genetics in Ayurveda may seem to be a recent development, ancient Ayurveda Acharya like Acharya Charaka and Acharya Sushruta had a profound understanding of the principles of heredity and the nature of traits and personalities. They were familiar with the basics of genetics, such as the factors that affect a child's sex and hereditary defects like lameness. They claimed that the ovum or sperm of the parents, rather than any flaw in the mother or father, was to blame (an accepted fact today). Three genetic units comprise Acharya Charaka's description of all of genetics. In three genetic units in the form of Beej (Germinal cell), Beejbhag (Chromosome) and Beejbhagavyava (Gene). He has explained that due to Vikriti of Beeja, Beejabhaga and Beejabhagavayava of the parents, there will be vikriti or vyapada in the progeny. Hereditary and congenital types of Diseases are classified by Sushruta. Ayurveda mentioned different diseases like Sthaulya (obesity), Klaibya (impotence), Prameha (diabetes) etc. which is due to Defect in genetic component of a person.

Keywords :

Beej, beejbhaga, beejbhagavyava, vyapada