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Communication Competence in Interpersonal Interactions

Author : Dr. T. Sunand Emmanuel

Abstract :

Is communicating well with others an art or a science? Is it a myth or a reality? What is the secret of good communication? Good communication requires effort. Individuals who desire to improve their communication skills must work hard to enhance their communication skills. It requires patience, effort, consistency, and dedication. Many would like to believe that communication skills are easy to gain without much effort. In reality, it is not true. To achieve communicative competence, one must practice every day. To improve one’s speaking skills in English, one must practice speaking in English every day. Competence in interpersonal interactions requires that we are appropriate and effective in all our interactions. Being ethical in our interactions is another dimension of communication competence in our interpersonal interactions. What constitutes communication competence? Is it effectiveness alone? Is it appropriateness alone? Is it ethics alone? In this article, it is argued that individuals must work hard to be appropriate, effective, and ethical in their communication interactions with others.

Keywords :

Communication, competence, knowledge, motivation, skill