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Surrogacy: Need or Fashion

Author : Dr. Sachin Verma

Abstract :

In today's run-of-the-mill era, human beings are working day and night to fulfil their needs and to fulfil the external pomp. There is neither peace in the day nor sleep at night. This materialistic era has affected and disorganized the life and lifestyle of human beings in different ways and in different forms. Due to the changing environment and changing food, various love diseases have made the human body their home. Increasing pollution is also its home. An important factor, as well as the use of different types of addictions, is reducing the fertility of both men and women, due to which surrogacy came to light. Some women do not have children to keep their body structure better want to. In today's fast-paced world, man has become so busy that its impact is visible on every aspect of his life. Food habits, clothing, transportation, busyness in work, etc. have influenced man's lifestyle, which because the fertility of both men and women has been affected, surrogacy is being considered as the best option for procreation in today's time.

Keywords :

Human being, external pomp, addictions, fertility, pollution, lifestyle, environment etc.