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Revisiting the Indian Classics: A Postmodern Approach to Select Plays of Kalidasa and Shudraka

Author : Akankika Saha

Abstract :

Postmodernism is a phenomenon that came into existence in the late 20th century, and brought radical changes in the context of history, economy, society, and culture. Along with criticizing modernism, it dispersed the social system of integration and fragmented the individual’s belief system. This movement believes in individuality, diversity, innovation and skepticism, and brings massive changes in an individual’s approach and perspectives which become evident in the changes in social structure and traditions. Kalidasa’s Abhijnānaśākuntalam and Shudraka’s Mrchchakatikam deal with various aspects of human life. The society, culture, traditions, rituals, moral values and ideologies-all are represented beautifully in these plays by the dramatists. The division among people on the basis of their economic system and according to their social class is also reflected here. These dramatic presentations also represent various dimensions of human relations and sexuality, the empowerment and social treatment of women, and practice of different cultural elements including music, dance, art and literature. Their political conditions and perspectives are also mirrored in these plays. All these aspects not only have relevance in their contemporary time and society but also in the succeeding ages and society. There are many elements in these two works of literature that establish their relevance in this world and society of postmodernity.

Keywords :

Postmodernism, society, culture, tradition, human relations, sexuality, politics, women empowerment