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Effect of Spirulina Supplement on Sex Ratio in Drosophila Melanogaster

Author : Shreeraksha, Shreejani HK and Krishna MS

Abstract :

Diet, as another environmental component, the quantity and availability of nutrients in the food has a strong impact on resistant to environmental stress. The nutritious diet is a significant external environmental component that influences growth and development, stress resistance, survival, reproductive fitness, and sex ratio. Environmental factors influencing sex ratio can be physical, chemical, or biological. Here we demonstrate the effect of spirulina on Sex ratio in Drosophila melanogaster. Sex ratios have been shown to be affected by a variety of environmental conditions. Animal sex ratio is known to be altered by a variety of genetic and environmental factors. Environmental influences on sex ratios might be physical, chemical, or biological in nature. Nutrition is a significant environmental component that has been shown to influence life span, aging rate, and reproductive potential. Nowadays, spirulina is more popular, however the quality and quantity of spirulina used has either a negative or positive effect on organism fitness. The present study explored the impact of a few morphological characteristics on the sex ratio in D. melanogaster. In the present study the flies of D. melanogaster flies are cultured in wheat cream agar media and Spirulina treated media to understand the effect of spirulina on the sex ratio. Our result reveals that female offspring were produced more in number than compare to males in both control and spirulina treated media. Thus suggests that spirulina dietary nutrient increases the female offspring. Thus suggests that nutrition alters offsprings ratio in D. melanogaster.

Keywords :

Sex ratio, offsprings, spirulina, nutrition, Drosophila melanogaster