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An Empirical Analysis of Structural Amenities and Satisfaction Levels in the Tourism Sector: A Study of Shimla District (HP)

Author : Sandeep Kumar Thakur and Dr. Ajay Kumar Chaturvedi

Abstract :

The tourism sector is thriving in Himachal Pradesh and aids in both domestic and international travel for the purpose of advancing people's quality of life and advancing their desire for knowledge. Although the public sector has played a vital role in supplying infrastructure, either directly or through Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode, the tourism industry is predominately one of private sector service providers. It is a multi-sectoral business distinguished by the variety of services offered by the vendors. It is quite comparable to the manufacturing sector, where the importance of the supply chain and final product are equal. Airlines, ground transportation, hotels, fundamental infrastructure, and other connected industries are only a few examples. Therefore, until the problems relating to all the relevant sectors are addressed concurrently, the expansion of tourism cannot be achieved.
The State has a tremendous amount of natural, scenic, and cultural resources to offer in terms of tourism. Himachal is drawn to by its snow-capped mountains, glittering rivers, tranquil settings, excellent climate, and tranquil way of life. In addition to the abundant natural beauty, the state is rich in tribal culture, languages, folklore, dress, and cuisine, particularly Himachal cuisine. The State has everything necessary to draw different tourist demographics. Infrastructure, however, is necessary for increased accessibility and targeting the correct potential markets.

Keywords :

Tourism industry, sustainable tourism, tourism infrastructure