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A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Isometric Exercise on Pain Perception and Functional Mobility among Old Age People with Joint Pain

Author : S Vasanthy

Abstract :

Background: There has been a steady rise in the share of elderly population (aged 60 years or above) in the total population over the decades. As person grows older the cartilage that serves as shock absorber between ones can no longer sustain the rubbery and become stiff. It is also loses its elasticity and becomes damaged. When these cartilages and ligaments wear out, they cause the joint pain. Exercising is an effective and enjoyable way for sufferers of arthritis to feel better and to regain a functional lifestyle. The expression “no pain, no gain” is as untrue as it is outdated; this is particularly true for an arthritis patient.
Aim: The aim of the study was to give isometric exercises to a group of old age people and to determine the level of pain, functional mobility compared to a group of old age people without receiving the isometric exercise.
Subjects and Methods: A experimental research was conducted among 60 old age peoples in kirumampakkam village Puducherry. The research approach was quantitative and true experimental pre-post-test control group design was used. By simple random sampling 30 samples were assigned to each experimental and control group. The experimental group was taught isometric exercises and practiced every day 15 minutes for 20 days. The study revealed that in the post test level of pain in experimental group mean 4.07 is lesser than the control group mean 6.73. ‘t’ value is -5.018*** Regarding the functional mobility of experimental group mean 17.70 was higher than the control group mean 12.93. ‘t’ value was 4.208*** statistically significant at the level of p=0.000. And there was a correlation between the level of pain and functional mobility. And also there was a association between the age and level of pain and functional mobility.
Conclusion: The research findings of the study concluded that there was a significant reduction in the degree of pain and improvement in functional mobility in the experimental group after the intervention was due to the effect of isometric exercise. The control group without intervention did not show any difference after 20 days.

Keywords :

Isometric exercise, joint pain, old age