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Effect of Rapeseed Husk as Bio-Fertilizer on Sugar Beet Crop

Author : Dr. Vijay Singh Yadav and Sh. Dinesh Yadav

Abstract :

Under the name of Rapeseed and mustard, several oil seeds belonging to cruciferae are growth in India. They are generally divided in two groups-
i). Brown mustard
ii). Sarson

In trade Sarson, toria and taramira are known as rapeseed. The Effect of Rapeseed husk as bio-fertilizer on sugar beet crop in saline soil and healthy soil was studied under different parameters like Germination, Shoot Growth, Leaf Area, Biomass and bulb weight of sugar beet. Rapeseed husk is a good amendment for agriculture practices in salinity affected areas and gives excellent results in optimum proportions. Germination counts were made daily for a period of two weeks as per standard procedure for the sown seeds under natural condition. It is noted that Germination status of the sugar beets seeds is improved remarkably in the presence of mustard husk. The shoot growth of the plant was measured from soil surface to the apex of the plant in cm as per standard procedure. The growth of plant leaf area was measured with the help of graph paper for a countable growth change. Cropyield was measured on the basis of total biomass and bulb weight. Immediately after uprooting plants were freed the adhering soil and weighted in counter balance with leaves (biomass) and without leaves (bulb weight).

Keywords :

Brown mustard, yellow sarson, brown sarson, rapeseed, rai nitogen, phosphoric acid, potash, germination, shoot growth