Impact of Employee’s Job Satisfaction on Employee’s Job Performance in the Public Sector of Nepal
Author : Kabit Mishra
Abstract :
Job performance depends on different factors such as Competencies, Training & Development, Employee Engagement, Company Culture and Job Satisfaction. This research aims to study the impact job satisfaction has on the performance of employees in an organization. Using the Confirmatory Factor Analysis, the validity of data was checked, which consisted of job satisfaction and job performance of 201 employees working in the public sector of Nepal. The regression analysis showed a positive effect of the dependent variable Job Satisfaction on independent variables In-role and Innovative Job Performance. The results provide enough concrete evidence to support the hypothesis. Thus we can conclude that In-role Performance and Innovative Performance of employees increases with an increase in Job Satisfaction of Employees.
The HR Department, along with leaders of the organizations, should focus on factors affecting Job Satisfaction, such as employee policy and company culture, to satisfy the employees. The increase in job satisfaction will lead to high employee job performance in the public sector of Nepal.
Keywords :
Job satisfaction, employee job performance, in-role performance, innovative performance, JS