An Analytical Study of Awareness and Use of Electronic Resources in Selected Arts and Science Colleges in Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu
Author : Dr. S Rani and Dr. S Aravind
Abstract :
This analytical study investigates the awareness and utilization of electronic resources in selected Arts and Science Colleges in Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu. The researchers aim to understand the perspectives of respondents regarding electronic resources, focusing on their thoughts, future expectations, advantages, disadvantages, impact, and overall satisfaction. The study also delves into the barriers hindering optimum use of electronic resources in surveyed colleges. The definition of electronic resources, as per the Library of Congress and International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, is provided, emphasizing materials accessible through computers, either remotely or via direct access. A review of related literature includes studies on the impact of value co-creation on satisfaction and intention to adopt e-resources, usage patterns among academic staff and students, and user perceptions of e-resources. The objectives of the study encompass exploring the advantages and disadvantages of electronic resources, distribution of questionnaires, assessing respondents' preferences and future opinions, determining the impact on academic activities, gauging overall satisfaction, identifying barriers to optimal use, and evaluating awareness and usage of electronic resources. Results show high awareness and usage of e-books, e-journals, e-databases, and other electronic documents. Respondents express a preference for electronic resources due to their informativeness, 24x7 availability, and speed of access. Future expectations include electronic resources supplementing print resources. The study also highlights barriers such as inadequate IT infrastructure and lack of IT knowledge. Overall satisfaction with electronic resources is reported, with suggestions for improvement including better internet bandwidth and increased subscription to electronic resources. In conclusion, the study sheds light on the current status of electronic resource awareness and usage in the surveyed colleges, providing insights into user opinions, preferences, and areas for improvement.
Keywords :
Awareness and use of electronic resources, advantages and disadvantages, impact and overall satisfaction and arts and science colleges in Coimbatore district