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“ফিরে এসো যারা গাঁ ছেড়ে গেছো”

Author : Dr. Joy Kumar Das

Abstract :

15th August 1947 is a remarkable day in the pages of Indian history. The much expected freedom of huge masses of people came on that day, but at the same time many people suffered with deep pain and anguish associated with the partition of the country which was horrific in nature with brutality and bloodshed. In Bengali poetry number of events such as nostalgic feelings, displacement from the homeland, destruction of property to mention some relating to partition of our country is being highlighted. Poet Achinta Kumar Sengupta's poem" Purva Paschim" and "Udvastu" clearly depicts the painful situation of the partition. In the poem "1946-47" the communal disharmony was a common feature   which creeped up among the poets during that period. Poet Jibanananda Das witnessed throughout his life the darkness and frustation, but in the later part of his life he envisioned the transformation of the huminity for a bright future.On the other side, poet Vishnu Dey in his poem "Jaldow" pointed out categorically that frustration would lead to the destruction of the country relating to different entity. Poet Manindra Roy in his poem "Chithi" highlighted the painful refugee’s life. In number of poems of Sunil Gangopadhyay's came up the story of partition; leaving the village life, river, natural environment and near and dear ones. In the poems of Shankha Ghosh he highlighted the painful eventuality relating to partition and human misery.

Keywords :

দেশভাগ, বেদনাদায়ক, উদ্বাস্তু, স্বদেশ, স্থানচ্যুতি, ধ্বংস, দেশ