Numerical Solution of a Mathematical Model of the Effect of Same-Sex Marriage
Author : Oluwafemi TJ and Bako D
Abstract :
Same-sex Marriage or Gay Marriage has it is also called is now becoming a global trend both in developing and developed countries. Countries like New Zealand, United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Ireland, Benin, Nigeria, Namibia, Morocco etc. have population that practice it, although in some of these countries it is hidden in few others it has been legalized, while in other countries the gays are protesting for the practice to be legalized. In this paper, a simple mathematical model to study the effect of same-sex marriage (SSM) on population growth is developed using set of ordinary differential equations and solved by using fourth order Runge-Kutta method. The population is divided into three human compartment namely Non-Gay individuals (Individuals who are involved in same-sex practice), Gay individuals (Individuals who practice same-sex marriage), Recovered individuals (Individuals who have been convinced and are not practicing same-sex marriage). We also assumed that same-sex practice is not hereditary rather people are convinced to practice same-sex marriage and people can be re-convinced after they have recovered. From the computation, the results show that as the rate of conviction to practice same-sex marriage increases, the population begins to decrease and this may eventually lead to the extinction of the human race. Hence, attention should be given to the rate at which people can convinced to practice gay marriage.
Keywords :
Same sex marriage, population growth, runge-kutta method