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Core Product Dimensions and Customer Patronage of Hotels in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State

Author : Samuel Etuk, Ini Smart Udoh and Nfawa Erasmus Usani

Abstract :

This study was aimed at investigating the relationship between core product dimensions and customer patronage of hotels in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State. The specific objectives were to examine service staff responsiveness and hotel Atmospheric on customer patronage. The researchers adopted survey research method and the population of the study was deemed infinite. Top-man formula was utilized to determine the sample size of 361. Data from the 361 was collected using questionnaire. Simple Linear regression Method was utilized to test the formulated hypotheses at 0.05 significance level. Findings from the study revealed that the results of the first and second hypotheses test showed a significant positive relationship between service staff responsiveness and hotel atmospheric on customer patronage with a regression coefficient of β = 0.630 and β = 0. 917 respectively. The researchers concluded that service staff responsiveness and hotels atmospheric are core product dimensions that predict patronage of hotels services in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State. The significance of the findings is that Hotels in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State should endeavor to train their service staffs to be responsible to offer consumers (guest) with prompt assistance and high level courtesy.

Keywords :

Core product; service staff responsiveness; hotel atmospheric and customer patronage