Verbal Intelligence-Based Principal Management in Increasing Competitiveness at Man 4 Kediri Indonesia
Author : Zulva Ismawati, Akhyak and Ngainun Naim
Abstract :
This research is motivated by a governance system carried out by a school principal in carrying out management functions. It starts from planning, organizing, implementing, controlling, and evaluating all elements in an educational institution so that it can run effectively and efficiently and achieve goals by maximum. Verbal intelligence possessed by a school principal will play an essential role in the success of the principal's management. This study seeks to analyse and find verbal intelligence-based principal management in increasing competitiveness at MAN 4 Kediri.
This study uses a qualitative approach: data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and documentation. Data analysis uses Miles Huberman's model of condensing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. Site analysis uses the Bogdan model, starting from site analysis at MAN 4 Kediri. Test the validity of the data through credibility, transferability, dependability, and conformability.
The results of the study show that verbal intelligence-based principal management in improving competitiveness is by having the ability to enjoy reading and writing, enjoy telling stories and presentations well, having a good vocabulary, being able to convey ideas well, being able to communicate well, be able to discuss well, enjoys discussing ideas with others, enjoys doing research and reading interesting ideas, able to think fluently through words, has language skills to convince people, able to give explanations, able to speak and listen well to every word, able to answer questions well, able to retell things heard well, able to tell his feelings well.
Keywords :
Principal management, verbal intelligence, competitiveness