Implementation of Religious Culture at Vocational School of Kesdam IV Diponegoro Magelang Central Java Indonesia
Author : Amik Nadziroh, Maftukhin and Ngainun Na’im
Abstract :
This research is motivated by the leadership of school principals who play the operational staff who are given the additional task of leading an educational institution and are at the forefront of coordinating school cultures, such as religion, nationalism, integrity, independence, and cooperation. Leadership is the main key to determining the success and sustainability of an educational institution. This research seeks to analyze and find the implementation of the embodiment of religious culture at SMK KESDAM IV Diponegoro Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study type with a multi-case design. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and documentation. Data analysis used case data analysis with three research lines: data condensation, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. It can be seen from the results of the research show, namely, the implementation of the embodiment of religious culture by implementing the use of power and the formation of opinions through the application of boarding schools, Islamic boarding schools, and collaboration with related agencies, the application of an aggressive and democratic style. Implementation of the embodiment of ideal influence is a vehicle for worship, S culture, Duha prayers, obligatory prayers, istighosah, collective prayers, Friday prayers, religious tolerance, prayers before and after activities, and Islamic boarding school activities. Implementation of manifestations of inspirational motivation: the existence of Islamic boarding schools, NU-based state defense activities, three months of basic education, yasinan and scientific recitation, book of rules and manners, SKU, PUDD, special Aswaja subjects and caring for critical patients to death and Friday activities.
Keywords :
Leadership implementation, principal, religious culture