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Development of Technology Based Program at Higher Primary Level for Eloquence of Learning Tenses in Grammar and Verification its Effectiveness

Author : Dr. Murlidhar Bhadane and Dr. Kailas Khonde

Abstract :

Grammar study and teaching are important parts of English subject at upper primary level. However, most of the students have problems in studying English subject. Keeping this in mind, the researcher designed a computer-based program to provide them with convenient information for grammar study. In order to check the effectiveness of the presented program, this research was undertaken. Its findings have been tried to be presented in this article. The main factor that makes the Technology Based Learning more appealing is that it paves the way for the learners to enjoy and learn in related in groups of terms which is considered an optimum environment which is almost prerequisite of effective learning. The researcher also mentions here that the findings of the presented research will be applicable only to the subject of English grammar. Present research will be beneficial for the school, teachers and students as well as useful for acquiring knowledge about teaching learning process English content at Higher Primary Level.

Keywords :

English grammar, technology based program, eloquence of learning tenses, higher primary level