A Unique Scholar-Badiuzzaman Sayeed Nursi
Author : Dr. Syeda Talath Sultana
Abstract :
Turkey is a country of historic mosques with Byzentine art. Allah has created a gem awakening the minds of humanity is the great Bediuzzama Saeed Nursi. His talents and intellectual creation has no match in Islamic world with a multi volumed writings like The “Risale-i-Nur” is a divine guidance for the people of the world. Saeed Nursi born in a village “BITLIS” of Turkey in 1877. He read “Cemul-ceravi “Serhul Mevakif” and “Ibul Hacer”in 24 hours. He obtained diploma from Sey Mehmud Celali of Beyazid Madersa and became Molla Saeed. He memorized Cemul-Cevami in a week and was awarded the title of “Bediuzzama”. He memorized many books. He started University in eastern Anatolia by name “Medrasathus-Zehra”. His work Risale-i-Nur was translated in more than 40 languages including English.
Keywords :
Risale-i-Nur, cemul-cevami, bediuzzama, BITLIS, Turkey, ibul hacer, nursi