Corporate Concentration in Indian Agriculture
Author : Ruby
Abstract :
The agricultural industry has undergone astounding restructuring activities in the last few years by the way of mergers, acquisitions and takeovers. This wave of mega mergers has transformed the structure of farming at global level. Numerous studies have been made by the researchers and the social developers to ascertain whether these mergers are beneficial or become a hindrance to the world economy. Several policy makers are of the view that corporate concentration in the food chain activity as well as agricultural input sector is becoming a necessity in today’s era. But the opposing aspects regarding it are also gaining much attention. Many agricultural nations like India are witnessing the concerns regarding the control of their agricultural production in the hands of transnational companies. The question of sustainability in the agriculture has also been raised at the international level with the upcoming mergers in this field. That is why, it has become integral to delve in to the agricultural corporate concentrations happening in all around the world so as to find appropriate policies in lieu of eliminating the constraints involved in it. This paper aims at unfolding the intensity of mega mergers in the field of agriculture and also the afterwards impacts of it on the concerned economies.
Keywords :
Corporate concentration, environment, agriculture, resourcefulness and everlasting opportunities