A Critical Review of Relevance of Sneha in Day-to-Day Life
Author : Dr. Rajalekshmi S, Dr. Surya S and Dr. Ananta S Desai
Abstract :
Sneha occupies an important part of our daily life. Sneha occupies a vital role as both Oushada and Ahara. Snehana Karma brings about softness and removes dryness of the body. Judicious use of Sneha is also essential in maintenance of appropriate digestive fire. The qualities of Sneha are based on the source of origin and Ashaya. Guru, sheeta, Sara, snigdham, Manda, sookshma, mrdu, dravam are the gunas of sneha dravya. Sneha is used both externally as well as internally. The day begins and ends with sneha. The dinacharya context explain about usage of sneha as gandusha, nasya, abhyanga, murdhni taila. Whereas acharya also emphasis the usage of pada abhyanga at the end of the day. Internal and external use of Sneha checks day to day wear and tear of body components and acts as a Rejuvenator as well. A deep insight of this topic can help in the prevention as well in the curing of diseases. Here an effort is being done to decipher the pharmacological action of Sneha dravya in the light of qualities.
Keywords :
Sneha, Snigdha, Mardava, Kleda