Solar Energy-the Brightest Way towards Sustainability
Author : Dr. Sonia Deval
Abstract :
Any object or substance which we need our daily life because important for us. When an object or substance has economic or commercial value, it becomes a resource. Resources change the story of the development of a country.
The bountiful nature has provided various resources (in the form of matter, energy and space) that are of vital significance for the survival of all types of life including humans on the planet earth. In fact, all aspects of human society, such as social, cultural, economic, and political depend on natural resources. The resources are fundamental to the economic growth and development of human society. Unfortunately, with the rapidly increasing population and growing demand for resource consumption has resulted in the depletion of resources, environmental pollution and degradation.
Utility or usability is what makes an object or substance a resource. Things become resources only when they have a value. “Its use or utility gives it a value. All resources have some value.” Anything beneficial and useful to man-kind becomes a resource.
Time and technology are two important factors that can change substances into resources. Both are related to the needs of the people. People themselves are the most important resource. It is their ideas, knowledge, inventions and discoveries that lead to the creation of more resources. Each discoveries or invention leads to many others. The discovery of fire led to the practice of cooking and other processes while the invention of the wheel ultimately resulted in development of newer modes of transport. The technology to create hydroelectricity has turned energy in fast flowing water into an important resource.
Keywords :
Sustainability, environment, disaster, resources, renewability, photovoltaic, pollution